Heavy Rain has “multiple plot paths to achieve”, says Sony

By Stephany Nunneley


Sony has told CVG that players of Heavy Rain will have different experiences from one another, which it calls a “unique concept”.

“Heavy Rain is a pretty unique concept in so far as it is a large departure from the norm. The range of actions that the player controls is extremely diverse,” said Sony product manager Lucy Duncan.

“It throws down new gameplay challenges in that there are multiple plot paths to achieve the final outcome. In some situations you may actually lose one of the key characters.

“Now, we’re all used to just keeping on replaying that level so that character survives, but Quantic Dreams actually want you to move on.. and in so doing the story may unfold in a different, and perhaps more advantageous direction.”

“It’s going to be a real topic of conversation when two people complete the game but have had completely different experiences getting there,” she added.

This isn’t the first time we’ve heard this, and just because it as different endings doesn’t mean you should play it multiple times, according to David Cage, because doing so would “kill the magic”.

Also, if more than four players die, game over.

It’s out next month, and the demo gets released on February 11.
