Heavy Rain won’t get censored, confirms SCEA

By Johnny Cullen


SCEA has confirmed that Heavy Rain won’t be getting censored in the US, Europe or any other territories the firm has an office.

The news comes from a posting on the US PS Blog.

Back in October, Quantic Dream’s Guillaume de Fondaumiere said the game would have to undergo cultural censorship in some regions in order to get the game an age rating.

“And for those of you who have asked,” said the post today, “the content is exactly the same as what’s being released in all our territories, so you’ll get to enjoy it exactly as Quantic Dream intended.”

That’s the line, peeps. Queue up behind it.

The game got confirmed for a February release last week.

It releases on February 23 in the US, February 24 in mainland Europe and on February 26 in the UK.

Sony told us last week it’s “still planning” a pre-release demo for the game.
