StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty to contain “Protoss mini-campaign”

By Patrick Garratt


Blizzard’s confirmed that StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty, will include a “Protoss mini-campaign” in the main Terran single-player section.

” I can confirm that there will be a Protoss mini-campaign that lets you control Protoss units,” said Blizzard poster Xordiah on the forum.

“This part of the campaign mode is of course way shorter than the Terran part, but it is very fun to have a very different playstyle to add even more variety to the game.”

The staffer warned, though, that the limited playable Protoss action in the game won’t prepare the player for online games in charge of the race.

“You won’t be using all units or getting to know buildings and upgrades,” he said.

“In general, even for Terran, it is not the objective of the singleplayer to show how to play the game effectively, it is to tell a story and do a lot of fun things, that would not be possible in multiplayer.”

StarCraft II is releasing as three products. Wings of Liberty is the main game, and features a Terran campaign; it’ll be followed by expansions Heart of the Swarm and Legacy of the Void, which tell stories centred on the insectoid Zerg and spacey Protoss, respectively.

Wings of Liberty’s expected in the first half of this year.
