The Old Republic gets confirmed spring 2011 release target from LucasArts

By Johnny Cullen


LucasArts has confirmed that Star Wars: The Old Republic is on for a targeted spring 2011 release date.

EA president John Riccitello said in a financial call last night that the company’s “major MMO” was penciled in for a spring release next year, but didn’t mention the BioWare game by name.

LucasArts confirmed in a statement (via IncGamers) that the MMO is, rather obviously, TOR.

“While we have not announced a specific date, we can confirm that we are targeting a spring 2011 release for Star Wars: The Old Republic. We’ve got a lot of exciting updates and reveals planned throughout 2010, including the first-ever hands-on testing for the game,” said part of the statement.

At least 16 months to go, then. Still, at least you get to “be” a Jedi. Next year.
