Anthony's Embarrassing Bedroom


Everyone has something really embarrassing in their bedroom that they dread someone will ask them to explain when they see it. No, it's not the extremely girly-looking pink cat poster on my wall I dread someone will ask about.

Yes, I really have that thing on my wall! Maybe I'll get into the story behind it in another Pit article, but the embarrassing thing in my room is something a little more subtle.

When I have a friend over and we're eating fast food (I initially made a typo and typed "fat food". Coincidence?), they will commonly ask if they should put their dripping wet soda cup directly on my desk or if I have a cup holder. And I say "Yeah, put it on the cup holder". Then they say "That THING is a cup holder!?"

Then I have to go on to explain how I made this atrocious thing in high school when I was asked to make a cutting board, but messed up really bad and only made it 8 inches long (insert sexual joke here later). Then they say "That THING was supposed to be a cutting board!?"

No, my cutting board wasn't going to look this cool, but at least this thing is the normal cutting board size!

What is the most embarrassing thing you have in your room that you dread someone will ask you to explain when they come over?
