BioWare defends tame lovin’ scenes in Mass Effect 2

By Stephany Nunneley


BioWare’s Stanley Woo has responded to a forum discussion on the firm’s official site, where folks in it are complaining that the horizontal scenes in Mass Effect 2 are tamer than in the original.

In the forum, a post suggested that BioWare cracked under the scrutiny it received over Mass Effect 1 from a certain media outlet.

This outlet shall not be named, lest we call upon the dark evil forces that possess it – well, and you all know which one it was anyway.

“People who claim to be old enough and mature enough to handle sex and nudity in a game seem to believe that any lack of sex and nudity in the game is a sign of self-censorship,” said Woo, who works in quality assurance. “They generally don’t believe that a game can be called ‘mature’ without explicit sex and/or nudity.

“Let me tell you, folks, that as a developer full of mature individuals, we are also free to not have explicit sex and/or nudity in our games, no matter what you, Fox News, the government, or Bunky the Wonder Clown has to say about it.

“We have never considered it a ‘problem,’ it is simply a choice we have made and we have every right to make that choice.”

Great response. Still, if you want a less tame mclovin’ scene, there’s always Dragon Age: Origins, although, you better make sure you choose the right dialogue – otherwise, it’s only a cold dip in a river for you mister/miss.

Thanks, Cinemablend.
