Cage hints at Arc support for Heavy Rain, announcement “in the coming weeks”

By Johnny Cullen


Quantic Dream boss David Cage has said there will be an announcement from the studio “in the coming weeks” regarding PlayStation Arc and possibly support for Heavy Rain.

The very first version of the game design was based on motion control, but it was not feasible at the time. But all the controls of the final version of ‘Heavy Rain’ is still based on motion,” said Cage.

I have a lot of interest in Sony’s motion device and there is a good chance that we announce something about it in the coming weeks,” he further added in the interview (via CVG).

Heavy Rain’s out next week for PS3 in the US and UK. Find all the reviews from the Quantic thriller from last week here.

Arc, which is a codename for the PS3 Motion Controller, is out this fall.
