Cambridge to study games, comics and Twilight

By Stephany Nunneley


Looks like those who plan on attending Cambridge University or just wish they could, will be able to study games, comics, and popular books alongside “time-honored classics” at a new children’s literature center.

This is due to what the lauded university says is an increase in children picking up ideals from more than just books and in a way that teachers and parents cannot instill.

“Literary” topics covered will range from Harry Potter and the Twilight Series to classics like Alice in Wonderland and Little House on the Prairie.

To be part of the University’s Faculty of Education, the center’s being expanded to cover “representation of young people in films and video games, along with children’s comics”, according to the BBC.

“It’s easy to say that these things are just kids’ fashions or that they’re trash, but I don’t believe that’s good enough,” said Professor Maria Nikolajeva.

“If what we regard as trash is popular with young people, we need to know why and whether, as researchers and teachers, we can offer them something that addresses the same needs but also deals with these themes in a critical and ethical way.

“Studying this can help us deal with questions which are important not only for the children themselves, but for adults as well,” she added.

The article never mentioned what games will be studied. One can only guess.

More through the link.
