“Foxy, feisty” women are signing up for WoW and finding love

By Stephany Nunneley


You gotta love stories like this from The Times, which reports that women are apparently signing up for World of Warcraft to find their soul mates.

According to the article, which focuses on Jennifer “a slight, softly-spoken 23-year-old administrator who lives in Cumbria” who met her beau through the game – women are using the MMO to meet the love’s of their lives, proving that gaming is not just for “Dungeons & Dragons-playing, Lord of the Rings-reading teenage boys” or “a middle-aged man who lives with his mum” anymore – for fuck’s sake.

Anyway, according to the post, stay-at-home mothers, and female celebrities are proving that the new face of online gaming is “feisty, foxy and female”.

“When I originally started playing, I had no intention of looking for love. I was settled in a relationship and things were going smoothly,” said Jennifer. “We [guild-mate Nicky] spent every night sharing photos and talking on webcam. In time we grew closer and closer. We didn’t play WoW for the game any longer, but rather to be together. Both of us were scared of our feelings but one night we declared our love for each other.

“Me and my partner separated shortly after this, however, we were forced by financial difficulties to live in the same house. One night we were arguing and I didn’t realize I’d left the webcam on and Nicky had helplessly witnessed us fight. It was at this point he came to my rescue.

“We now have a cottage together and I have a lovely job. I’ve gained a new family, new friends and a loving boyfriend. It may be early days in terms of our relationship but 12 months on we’ve celebrated our first Christmas together and continue to find time for the friends we’ve made on WoW, who supported us through everything.”

Jennifer is a member of the HELKPO guild, which has a significantly higher number of female members than most guilds, according to CVG, and The Times spoke with them too.

Funnily enough, the Time article never mentions online gaming being the cause of virtual or honest-to-goodness  real-life infidelity – which is all the same thing really.

Still, it’s a rather humorous read. If not a bit fantastical.
