Monster Hunter: Frontier to release on June 24 in Japan

By Johnny Cullen

Monster Hunter Frontier

Capcom’s announced that Monster Hunter: Frontier will be available to buy from June 24 for ¥6090.

The online service for the MMO, however, won’t be in full use until July 7. Until then, Capcom will see the game as an open Beta for a bit at release. At that point it will be free-to-play, before going pay-to-play at that date.

Players can also keep their character levels and items from the open Beta and carry them over to the main game.

A closed Beta is due to take place before release, beginning a month before release on May 24.

The MMO was announced last month at a special event between Microsoft and Capcom. Currently, there’s no plans to release it in the West.

Thanks, Andriasang.
