Nintendo: 76 Wii titles have sold more than 1M copies worldwide

By Stephany Nunneley


Dan Adelman, head of business development at Nintendo, said today that the amount of million-sellers on Wii is on the up, speaking at the company’s Media Summit in San Francisco.

The exec said that 22 first-party and 54 third-party titles, have sold more than 1 million copies worldwide on Wii.

Adelman also revealed that 45 first-party and 63 third-party DS games have also sold more than a million copies around the globe.

As far as the online game library for Nintendo systems is concerned, Virtual Console currently has 347 titles, WiiWare 189, DSiWare 127 which amounts to more than 500 downloadable games total.

Earlier, Nintendo announced dates for DSi XL, Mario Galaxy 2 and Monster Hunter tri in the US, as well as tons of smaller titles.
