Perfect Dark XBL to be shown at X10 event next week

By Stephany Nunneley


Rare has announced that it’s to show Perfect Dark for Xbox Live at Microsoft’s X10 event next week.

It announced it via Twitter:

In Perfect Dark XBLA news: the game will be playable at the X10 event next week, widespread coverage to ensue. Have some of that! #X10Xbox

Rare even released a screen, which is posted below, showing Mr. Daniel Carrington in the foyer of his institute.

So on February 11, everyone at X10 will finally have a chance to get hands-on time with Joanna – complete with her remastered visuals and 60fps framerate.

Rumors last month had the game priced and ready for a February release, but Rare quickly called foul on that bit of news.

Hopefully, next week, we’ll get a better idea of when to expect the game.

