SCEA SVP of PR Rob Dyer has said the PSP will expect a pretty “robust” third-party line-up for 2010.
The exec said to Industry Gamers that, despite admitting to problems with piracy on the handheld, there will be a great range of games in first and third-party line-ups.
“I think we had a great lineup last year,” said Dyer. “The biggest problem that plagued PSP was piracy; we have not been able to slow that down. We think we have some answers going forward, but we’re not ready to talk about that publicly at this point.
“So we’re working on fixing that, because that’s been a big problem.”
“That said, we still have a very robust lineup this year from third parties on the PSP, starting with Metal Gear Peace Walker,” he further added.
I won’t go through the whole lineup because I want our third-party partners to make those announcements, but there are some big, big titles coming out this year and you’ll see those announcements at GDC, DPS [Destination PlayStation, which happens to take place at the end of this month, going by previous events – JC] or E3.”
Watch the mountains, then. More through the link.
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