A sci-fi FPS shooter with a hint of realism, Killzone follows a war between the human Interplanetary Strategic Alliance (ISA) and the humanoid Helghast. Killzone 3 follows on from the conclusion of Killzone 2 and sees Sgt Tomas Sevchenko and Master Sgt Rico Velasquez facing off against the Helghast army on its home planet of Helghan once and for all.
What is Killzone?
Killzone is a science fiction first-person shooter. It’s developed by Dutch outfit Guerrilla Games.
Is it a console exclusive?
Yes. Sony owns Guerrilla.
Which games make up the Killzone series?
- Killzone (PlayStation 2 – US launch: November 2, 2004; EU launch: November 26, 2004)
- Killzone: Liberation (PSP – US launch: October 31, 2006; EU launch: November 3, 2006)
- Killzone 2 (PlayStation 3 – EU launch: February 25, 2009; US launch: February 27, 2009)
When will Killzone 3 release?
Killzone 3 launches on February 22 in the US, February 23 in mainland Europe and February 25 in the UK.
Why is Killzone such an important franchise in the current “console war”?
At E3 2005, Sony showed off a video of Killzone 2 which was claimed to be running on PS3 hardware. AFter the event, Sony admitted the footage wasn’t real-time, and was, in fact, pre-rendered.
The “target” set a benchmark which Guerrilla – and Sony – were forced to aim at with the final product, which released in 2009.
The series has also been seen Sony’s answer to Microsoft’s Halo.
What’s Guerrilla planning to do after the release of Killzone 3?
Guerrilla has announced that it’s started work on a new IP, but has yet to decide whether or not to focus on the new property entirely or to continue with products in the Killzone universe. There’s been no news on the new project since studio boss Herman Hulst, confirmed its existence to a Dutch gaming mag in 2010.
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