RE5: Gold – Get free Barry and Rebecca figurines over on XBL

By Stephany Nunneley


Lost in Nightmares and Costume Pack 1 are scheduled to be release for Resident Evil 5 on 360 tomorrow, and to get you pumped, Capcom’s handing out free figurines for it.

Over on Live, the Extra Figures pack adds Barry and Rebecca to your in-game collection.

Lost in Nightmares lands on PSN February 18.

Desperate Escape and Costume Pack 2 is planned for March 3 on XBL and March 4 on PSN.

The full thing, Resident Evil 5: Gold, on one disc for PS3 or the game plus a DLC token for Xbox 360 hits retail on March 12.

Tons of Barry and Rebecca pics can be found through here.
