Sequel to MotoGP 09/10 could have head tracking, stereoscopic 3D

By Stephany Nunneley


Looks like head tracking for Xbox 360 and stereoscopic 3D features on PS3 versions for MotoGP 10/11 are being considered.

According to lead designer Greg Bryant, the sequel to MotoGP 09/10 may get more bells and whistles added once Natal’s made available and Sony patches 3D into PS3.

“We haven’t looked into Natal yet for MotoGP 09/10, but we’re definitely going to be looking into it for MGP 10/11 because I personally think the future for that application is through head tracking in racing games,” Bryant told CVG.

“We did a lot of testing with other games for competitor analysis and one that came up was the classic Grand Prix Legends. You can set that up with full head tracking and a steering wheel, and it’s one of the most compelling racing experiences. Now that that developers have that technology available to them we certainly want to harness that for the next iteration of the game.

“One of the other things that I’m really excited about it that the PS3 going to support 3D technology as well. So when you combine that with the PS Eye and theoretically doing the head tracking through that – I think that’s going to be absolutely awesome.”

MGP 09/10’s slated for release on March 31, with a demo coming to XBL and PSN before launch.
