Star Trek Online: The Borg are preparing to assimilate you

By Stephany Nunneley


Star Trek Online’s getting some new Special Task Force Missions centered around the Borg. Yikes.

To be played by both the Federation and Klingon players, the five-man missions are end-game content that should be making Federalies tremble in their go-go boots.

The update is being describes as “really difficult-yet-rewarding” PvE content so this should be right up players’ alleys.

Also, check out the current State of the Game address over on the official website where it mentions that the following changes are in the works: Respecs, Death Penalty, Difficulty Slider, More open auto-fire, Replayable missions, Improved Memory Alpha, and Commodity mission fixes.

Here’s the details on the Borg content, courtesy of Massively:

Special Task Force Missions

  • If you’re looking for a challenge, look no further than our upcoming “Special Task Force” Missions – Raid Episodes, which combine bold storytelling with our toughest five-man missions yet. These are just a few of the Raid Episodes we’ll be rolling out over the coming weeks, beginning a week after launch. Raid Episodes are available to both Federation and Klingon players.

STF: Infected

Starfleet has lost contact with one of its star bases. More than 400 officers could be lost, including a key member of Starfleet’s Borg Task Force. Infiltrate the base and take the fight to the Borg!

  • Retake the Sibiran system and shut down a transwarp conduit being used by the Borg to establish a foothold in the Gamma Orionis Sector Block.
  • Investigate the strange new nanovirus the Borg are using to assimilate entire worlds at alarming speeds.
  • Retake Starbase 89 before it is fully taken overrun by the Borg, and save what is left of the Starfleet personnel that are still there.
  • Locate Captain Ogen’s Strike Team and Rebecca Simmons, the lead Borg Task Force researcher working on a cure for the nanovirus. Both went deep into the Borg infected starbase and haven’t reported back in quite some time.
  • Infected is an extremely challenging a five-man mission, designed for a full party of players level 43 and higher.
  • Lockstep teamwork and strategy will be required to defeat one of the toughest challenges yet in Star Trek Online.
  • Releasing February 2010.

STF: The Cure

The Klingon Defense Force has been conducting its own investigation into the Borg advance, and they believe that the Collective’s next target is the Vorn system. Enemies may have to unite when confronted by a greater foe.

  • Assist the I.K.S. Kang in a desperate battle with the Borg.
  • Explore a planet that has been completely assimilated. Can you rescue the warriors before they are taken over by the Borg?
  • Fight at the side of Ja’rod, son of Lursa.
  • Free Klingon ships from Borg control, and gain their assistance in a final battle with a Borg fleet.

STF: Khitomer Accord

Finally, the mysteries of the Borg attack on Vega Colony are revealed! Why did the Borg attack there, and how was an unprepared Starfleet able to defeat them?

  • Confront the Borg before they can use temporal anomalies to change the past of the Federation.
  • Warp back into your own past, in the hours before the attack on Vega Colony.
  • Discover a base where thousands of Borg drones are being held in stasis. What are the Borg’s plans for this hidden army?
  • Starfleet’s not ready for the Borg. A defeat here could mean that the entire Alpha Quadrant falls. Balance the scales and fight the Borg for the preservation of the quadrant.
  • Learn the fate of a missing Romulan empress.

STF: Into the Hive

The fate of the Alpha Quadrant hangs in the balance. Enter a unicomplex and confront the Borg Queen herself.

  • Rescue civilians trapped on an assimilated world.
  • Follow the trail to a unicomplex, and penetrate deep into the Borg stronghold.
  • Confront the Borg Queen, and fight for the fate of the galaxy.

STF: Children of Khan (Khaaaaaaaaan!!!! – SN)

Amar Singh escapes from Federation custody, and he and an underground group of Augments steal the U.S.S. Asgard and race toward the remains of the Mutara Nebula. Can you stop them before they start a new Eugenics War?

  • Fight a fleet assembled by Princep Khan and his followers.
  • Beam onto the Asgard, and battle through its corridors to save civilians and crew.
  • Confront the Princep. Can you deal with his transporter tricks?
  • Save the divided Asgard and give the saucer section a chance to escape!
