THQ: Fiscal 2011 will see new Red Faction, more Saint’s Row in 2012

By Stephany Nunneley


THQ Brian Farrell has announced that in fiscal 2011, gamers will get a new Red Faction title.

Concentrating on two core games for fiscal 2011, FPS Homefront was mentioned as well, with both to be shown at E3 this year.

UFC Undisputed 2010, slated for May, will have multiplayer with new modes and wider fighter styles and mentions the WWE MMO for Korea in passing, saying more on that would be revealed in an upcoming financial call.

Biggest news? Saint’s Row 3, Warhammer: Space Marine, and more Darksiders in 2012.

Saint’s Row will not be released until 2012, as development on games of this scope take a while, according to Farrell.

The call is ongoing. We’re listening.

He also called the Sony Motion Controller The Arc. Ha.
