First Scott Pilgrim screenshots rock ultimate

By Nathan Grayson


Reason #43128695 that Candian comic series Scott Pilgrim is awesome: it’s chock full of sly nods to 8 and 16-bit videogame culture.

Thank goodness, then, that – based on a bunch of screenshots that leaked out of PAX East this weekend – we’re pretty sure Ubisoft read our list of “Top 43128695 Reasons Scott Pilgrim is Awesumm!111”

Attract Mode was on the scene to grab the shots during a concert given by Anamanaguchi, the chiptune group that will be providing Scott Pilgrim: The Videogame’s soundtrack.

In them, Scott beats down baddies with flashy 2D flair that looks like it’d be right at home in an oldschool beat-em-up.

Looks like Bryan Lee O’Malley’s magnum opus is in good hands.
