Home update includes AvP, Aassassin’s Creed, new luxury spaces

By Stephany Nunneley


Sony has revealed the updates to Home this week, and users can expect to get goodies pertaining to Assassin’s Creed, AvP, a SingStar VIP room and new additions to the luxury space line.

Here’s what’s happening:

  • Assassin’s Creed game space launches this week with a multiplayer tower defense game that pits Assassins against Templars, concept art, the Animus 2.0 database, the full Assassin’s Creed: Lineage short film, and more.
  • Aliens vs. Predator costumes are to be made available along with Facehuggers stuffed in stasis tubes. However, these items will only be available for purchase for a limited time only in the PlayStation Home Exclusives store, after which they will be pulled off the shelves forever.
  • The doors to the SingStar VIP room will open and the music player will contain tracks from the Stereophonics. Exclusive virtual items will also be on hand pertaining to the band, along with the opportunity to play a Stereophonics SingStar Quiz.
  • Luxury spaces available this week include the Pharaoh’s Tomb along with the Anime personal space (a penthouse headquarters perched atop a Tokyo high-rise circa 2050).
  • The Tester virtual items, such as a Big D Teddy Bear will be available.
  • Irem will be adding new content to the Irem Seaside of Memories space from new rewards in the Deep Sea Treasure Hunt mini-game to a bunch of beachwear.

All sound neat and go live tomorrow.

Get more on this from the US PS Blog.
