Jaffe says Sony should send a “stern letter” to Microsoft

By Stephany Nunneley


David Jaffe has posted on his blog that Sony should “send a sternly worded legal letter” to Microsoft over the vehicle combat game Scrap Metal, as it is just a bit too close to Twisted Metal.

Furthermore, he feels Sony should do the same with the producers of the upcoming film with Mickey Roarke heading to theaters in 2011 called War of the Gods (Dawn of War on IMDB).

“Sony should [sue] or if I owned the rights to TWISTED METAL and GOD OF WAR, I sure as hell would at the least send a sternly worded legal letter,” he wrote. “Heck, I’d send two legal letters if it were me.

“I mean, first Microsoft puts out a car combat game and calls it SCRAP METAL? Hey, looks like a great game! Right up my alley! Day one purchase for me. But come on guys, isn’t that just a little too close to Sony’s own car combat game TWISTED METAL?

“And then Sony has GOD OF WAR, a game and potential movie about mortals fighting ancient Greek Gods. And then this movie gets announced called WAR OF THE GODS about- yep!- mortals fighting ancient Greek Gods.

“And look: Sony doesn’t- and should not- own the concept of the Greek Myths. Nor should they own the idea of mortal fighting ancient Gods, Greek or any other kind. That’s all public domain stuff. But the TITLE? Sony DOES own that. And GOD OF WAR/WAR OF THE GODS seem a little too close to comfort ya’ll.

“Anyway, like I said, not my fight. I don’t own shit! :)”

Later, Jaffe updated his post telling people to lighten up as his post was all in fun and he is not by any means “sue happy”.

“For the love of FUCK – finally, for the people who are like, ‘JAFFE! GET BACK TO WORK ON YOUR GAME!’…please, let me assure you, I am working very hard,” he wrote. “The team is working very hard. Sony is working very hard. We are all busting ass and- even tho we may not agree on these particular legal issues- we are still eager to entertain each and every one of you with what we’ve got cooking.

“Just like you, I don’t work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Even during my day, I take breaks. But as some of you know, I work at home. So while at your job you may hang in the breakroom with your buddies and chat about last nite’s episode of LOST or what game you are playing, I video chat with friends and I blog.

“Fucking sue me. But the point IS, we are working hard on our game and we’re looking forward to showing it to you today on GTTV…oh wait…that’s not us 🙂

“Ok so that’s my update. Thanks for reading. Later.”

So there you go. Another entertaining post from Jaffe.

Thanks, Eurogamer.
