By Johnny Cullen
Ninja Theory has claimed it didn’t break even with the PS3-exclusive Heavenly Sword.
Speaking with CVG at a hands-on for Enslaved, the developer’s latest project, co-founder Tameem Antoniades said:
“Heavenly Sword came out pretty early on the PS3, and we sold, I think, a million and a half copies, and that’s still not enough as an independent studio to break even.”
Antoniades said cash was the reason Ninja Theory went multi-plat for Enslaved.
“It’s just that when so many people have Xbox – I mean over half the market or more has Xbox 360s – why limit yourself to one platform?”
These comments may just rule out Heavenly Sword 2 being the new “secret project” on which Ninja Theory has started development.
Thanks, Blerk.
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