OnLive Game Portal announced, won’t require subscription fees

By Nathan Grayson


Some things are just too good to be true. For instance, a streaming videogame service that pipes big-name videogames straight to your PC, sans hefty hardware requirements. The catch? A big fat subscription fee on top of “competitive” game prices.

Like we said, some things are just too good to be true. Except when they aren’t.

In a recent blog post, OnLive CEO Steve Perlman announced the OnLive Game Portal, which trims off a few of OnLive’s more enticing features, sure, but also axes the subscription fee altogether.

“The OnLive Game Portal is for gamers looking for direct access to OnLive games without being required to subscribe to the features of the full OnLive Game Service. Through the OnLive Game Portal, gamers will be able to play select games directly on a rental basis as well as game demos for free; subject to available OnLive service capacity and whatever usage limits are associated with each given demo. Rentals will be priced on a per-game basis. There is no service fee for the OnLive Game Portal,” Perlman said.

Is it perfect? No. But at least you’ll be able to see if OnLive’s really all it’s cracked up to be without cracking open your piggy bank.

More through the link.
