Sony: 9 million players have signed up for Free Realms

By Stephany Nunneley


Sony has announced that its free MMO, aptly titled Free Realms, has hit the 9 million milestone this week.

That’s a ton of users signed up for the game, ya know, and that is one million more than what was reported in early February.

In a celebration of sorts, the company has introduced new pets and mounts into the game.

On the pet front is an owl that flies along with you, and another is a groundhog that burrows under the earth, popping its head up when you stop.

As far as mounts are concerned, the Spotted T-Rex and the Scaled Dragon are now available.

Each allow players to travel 150 percent faster than normal, come in six different colors, and are newer versions of the T-Rex and Flying Dragon introduced back in February.

Loads more content is planned in the future as well, so to catch up on everything, head on over to the official site.

Thanks, Massively.
