Zeno Clash delayed on XBLA until April

By Stephany Nunneley


Zeno Clash: Ultimate Edition has been delayed on Xbox Live Arcade until April.

What a bummer.

The game was suppose to hit Live yesterday.

“It’s been pushed back a tad,” said co-founder Andres Bordeu on ACE Team forums. “Sorry about that to everyone. “It should come out early April. Atlus will be releasing more info through one of the next press releases.

“Just a little more patience. It’ll be out really soon. As soon as we have new info we’ll post it somewhere here.”

Renamed Zeno Clash: Ultimate Edition for the console version, the game adds co-op Tower Challenges and leaderboards along with new attacks, weapons, new enemies and a new game mode.

Still no price but you can probably bet your fists that it will run you around 1200 MS Points.

Thanks, Eurogamer.
