Age of Conan retail package to contain Rise of the Godslayer

By Stephany Nunneley


Funcom has announced that a retail release containing both Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures and the expansion Rise of the Godslayer is to be published by Deep Silver.

Rise of the Godslayer, the first expansion to Conan, introduces the player to the lands of Khitai with several new world regions filled with dungeons, quests, and rewards.

It also introduces new gameplay features, such as an alternate advancement system, factions, and the new tiger and wolf mounts/combat pets that you raise from cubs.

You can only either ride the critters or use them in battle – not both. You choose the training method when you get them, after killing their mother.

The core game also includes all the updates made to the title since launch, as well as the puma, an exclusive in-game pet that will not be available for purchase online.

Players will also get access to a starter’s package containing several in-game items that will help them along in their dangerous, sexy adventures through Hyboria.

There’s no date just yet, as Rise of the Godslayer hasn’t been given one.
