Hideo Kojima has already entered into “New Title Mode”. And it looks like that new title may just be, at last, Zone of the Enders 3.
Already tweeting about his next game, despite mentioning that “a mountain” of work from MGS: Peace Walker has built up, Kojima said:
“I’m thinking about the casting for my next title.
“The project plan still hasn’t reached a detailed level, but everything is advancing simultaneously in my head.
“Title, game design, story, characters, setting research, the mecha that appear, casting, graphic direction, sound, beginning and ending, the major story sequences. It comes together naturally in my head.”
The one key word that the Metal Gear Solid creator, and series producer of ZOE, drops is “mecha”.
In case you haven’t noticed, Zone of the Enders and its sequel, The 2nd Runner, are both considered to be mecha titles, which sees robots called Orbital Frames with human pilots known as runners fight other known mechs.
Previously, Kojima has said a ZOE sequel was “on top of the list”, further promising a third title in the series soon after.
For now, he’s working on putting on the finishing touches of Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker for PSP, which releases in June in the UK.
He’s also a producer on Metal Gear Solid: Rising for PS3, 360 and PC. It may get a re-reveal this month.
Thanks, Andriasang.
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