L.A. Noire script is not 22K pages long, says Bondi

By Stephany Nunneley


Team Bondi has revealed that the script for L.A. Noire is not 22,000 pages thick as reported last month in Edge.

Turns out, it was just a misprint.

Speaking with Connected Consoles, the script is actually 2,200 pages long.

Amazing what one less zero can do.

Still, that’s rather thick, as Heavy Rain was over 2,000 pages thick and compared to films where the norm is around 120 pages, you have yourself a game rife with chatter and storylines.

L.A. Noire is slated for PS3 and Xbox 360 towards the end of the year, but it could be one of the games getting delayed into FY2011.

We’re keeping our fingers crossed that won’t be the case.
