Official: Conviction vignettes blow the house down

By Johnny Cullen


Ubisoft’s released three new vignettes of Splinter Cell: Conviction. Truth be told, they huff, they puff and they most certainly blow the house down.

You can get them over at Shack. All three videos show some of the game’s setpieces within three of its gameplay features in Sam Fisher’s CQC skills, his acrobatic skills and his interrogation skills that even gives Jack Bauer a run for his money.

All this comes on top of a video released this morning, showcasing one of the game’s key features, Mark & Execute.

Simply put: miss at your peril.

Splinter Cell: Conviction’s out next week for Xbox 360 in the US and UK.

The PC version was recently held back until April 29, which Ubisoft insists was not down to its very much controversial DRM software.
