Rockstar has revealed in the latest Q&A on its official website that Red Dead Redemption’s difficulty modes will accommodate all types of players.
When asked about the difficultly levels, Rockstar provided three options for players to choose from, which is a first for one of its open-world games.
“We’ve implemented levels of difficulty into the game that employ different types of auto-aiming,” reads the post. “Casual mode gives you a full auto-aim system (and faster regenerating health). Normal mode features snap-to-target with precise aiming using the right stick. Expert mode implements free aim with no lock-on at all.
“[This is the] first time we have done this in an open world game, so we will be interested to see what people think having played with each option.”
The Western hits stores in May for 360 and PS3, and will contain what sounds like some very interesting multiplayer modes.
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Via Joystiq.
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