Redneck Waterskiing!


Nothing to do this weekend? Try out Redneck Waterskiing!

And for more fun, check out these Links!

For everyone:

Spiderman, Spiderman (Smosh Video)

The Most Hilariously Bad Movie Murder Scene Ever (Urlesque)

Guy Almost Makes Awesome Jump (College Humor)

20 People Whose Parents Didn't Love Them Enough (Super Tremendous)

20 Poor Pugs in Movie Costumes (Screen Junkies)

Don't say we didn't warn you:

Bachelorette of the Week: MColleen (Holy Taco)

30 Horrifying Comb Overs (Manofest)

The Underpants Sleeper (Total Pro Sports)

22 Awesomely Inappropriate Comic Book Covers (Maxim)
