Rumor – First bit of DLC for Just Cause 2 to land April 7

By Stephany Nunneley


Microsoft sent out a mail yesterday that, apparently, revealed Just Cause 2 would be getting the DLC treatment on April 7.

Guess what. It contains a pimped out ice cream truck.

While it may not look like the one pictured above, a wild and crazy ice cream vehicle sounds zany enough.

According to some folks over on SomethingAwful, code from the PC demo revealed it to be called the ‘Chevalier Ice Breaker’.

No price point yet, or official confirmation for that matter.

It would not be surprising if true though (maybe not the date), Avalanche has promised it will release some, and that it will have a bit of fun with what’s created for it.

You can find out tons more through the link up there.

Via PS3trophies, D’Toid.
