25 Practical Items Made of Legos


You can make almost anything out of Legos. Don't believe us? Check out these Lego creations!

Lego Glock

Lego Desk Set

Lego Hat

Lego ATM

Lego Phone

Lego Safe

Lego USB Key

Lego Tape Dispenser

Lego Walkie-Talkies

Lego Cello

Lego Computer

Lego Chair

Lego Wii

Lego Polaroid Camera

Lego iPad

Lego Piano

Lego AC Unit

Lego House

Lego Guitar

Lego Volvo

Lego Converse All-Stars

Lego Camcorder

Lego V-8 Engine

Lego Kitchen Counter

Lego Star Wars Foosball Table...FTW!

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