Going away to school? Or finally moving out from under your parents' roof?
Well, it means you'll likely have to find a roommate and finding a perfect roomie is like finding a $100 dollar bill on the ground. It happens maybe once in a lifetime.
Most of the roommates you get will have at least one thing that makes you want to smother them in their sleep.
But it could be worse. You could have one of these sharing a roof with you.
7. The Muncher
This is the roommate that has to constantly have something to snack on. And usually it is a loud and extremely crunchy bag of chips. They especially like to munch when you are trying to watch a movie or study. There is no escape. The incessant munching will haunt your dreams!
6. The Talker
You know when you just need to decompress after school or work? Some silence would be perfect for that. Unfortunately, your roommate won’t shut up! They are either talking to you or on their phone 24/7. And when we mean talk, we mean at a volume four levels above what is socially acceptable.
5. The Complainer
The roommate that always has something bad to say about something. It’s either too hot or too cold. The take-out is either too bland or too spicy. The TV either has nothing on worth watching or too many shows to choose from. Everyone hates the complainer.
4. The Drama Queen/King
So much drama! This particular roommate seems to have an endless supply of soap opera in their lives. They are always breaking up with their girlfriend/boyfriend, getting fired from their deadbeat job, or arguing with their sister. It’ll be like you are living at Melrose Place!
3. The Mommy & Daddy Moocher
Sure, there’s nothing wrong with getting some help from mom and dad on occasion. But it you are living on your own, you should probably start acting like it. The roommate that is always getting money from their parents to buy groceries, pay rent, or sign up for salsa dancing classes, while you are toiling away to pay your own bills, will get under your skin really fast.
2. The Remote Controller
It’s your place, too, but for some reason your roommate assumes that the remote belongs to them. No matter if you had it first and just got up to grab a soda, they will snatch it and change the channel before you can even get back. You can mention that your favorite show is coming on, but they don’t care. The remote belongs to them!
1. The Serial Killer
This should be obvious why they are the worst roommate. Aside from coming home in the middle of the night dressed as a clown and carrying an axe, watching them make a skin suit probably won’t be a comfortable home environment.
How bad is your roommate?
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