Daily Mail says RDR’s $100M dev budget was “conjecture”

By Stephany Nunneley


The Daily Mail has said that its report on Red Dead Redemption having possibly cost around $100 million to make was nothing more than conjecture on its part.

Speaking with Develop, the paper states that the figure was reached by researching game development budgets.

TDM figured that since the most ever spent on project development was the $100 million “allegedly” set aside for GTA IV, and concluded that Red Dead Redemption had to have cost the same at the least.

“It’s not based on anything we have heard about,” the paper said.

Such figures are not unheard of, really. Gran Turismo 5 is just one example, with Polyphony Digital CEO Kazunori Yamauchi admitting that the game had cost $60 million “during its protracted development phase”.

So, there you go. Assumed. Surmised. Concluded.

Good thing TDM put the phrase “are thought to have spent” in there before the figure.

RDR is out in the US now, and is hitting Europe now, and the UK on Friday.
