UK retailer HMV claims that Red Dead Redemption’s outselling Final Fantasy XIII, Heavy Rain and other big-named 2010 releases so far.
According to the firm, it’s expecting the title to move 300K units during it’s first weekend on the market.
“Red Dead Redemption is comfortably shaping up to be the biggest and fastest-selling title of 2010 so far – ahead of the likes of Final Fantasy, Battlefield and even Heavy Rain, which we had as a major exclusive,” said the chain’s commercial manager Jonathan Hayes.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if the title does the best part of 300,000 unit sales on its opening Friday and Saturday”.
Hayes attributes the strong sales to the pre-order and buying incentives the store ran for the title.
Some UK retailers report shortages in-store of the game on both PS3 and Xbox 360, for reasons that seem to vary with each retailer, but considering it was also the best-selling pre-order for Amazon UK so far this year – it’s popularity may have contributed to the shortage as well.
Despite having a drunk Irishman in it and an invisibility bug, the game’s getting stellar reviews that hoop and holler “buy me!”.
If you’re contemplating such a thing, Amazon has it on sale this weekend for $49.99/£34.99.
Via CVG.
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