Insomniac “talked to a lot” of other publishers before settling with EA

By Johnny Cullen


Insomniac Games CEO Ted Price has told VG247 that the studio was in talks with many other publishers over its upcoming third-party deal before settling with EA Partners.

In a phone interview yesterday, Price told us that EAP “best matched” the developer’s “creative style”.

“We talked to a lot of publishers that have global publishing capabilities and expertise across platforms,” he said, “and we felt that EAP in particular best matched our creative style and the publishing expertise that we need. Again, they work with independent developers that own their own IP, and that was very attractive to us.”

Price, however, did not confirm if one of the publishers Insomniac talked to was Activision, who only announced weeks ago a deal with Bungie on its new IP.

“As I said, we spoke to a lot of publishers.”

Insomniac was confirmed today to be developing a multi-format game with EAP. The studio, now 16 years old, has only ever made PlayStation games.

Get the full interview with Ted Price and EA Partners boss David DeMartini here.
