Red Dead Redemption facing retail crisis in UK

By Johnny Cullen

Red Dead Redemption 2

The UK’s gripped with a massive epidemic today: Red Dead fever. But despite that, the game’s facing a massive crisis at retailers across the land.

Supermarket Asda’s told MCV that the Rockstar western won’t be stocked in its stores today or over the weekend due to a “dispute” with the developer’s parent company Take-Two. Asda is hoping to resolve the situation with T2. Rockstar’s refused to comment on what’s happened.

It is, however, currently listing the game for both PS3 and 360 online for under £40 for the standard edition, with the special edition for both platforms sold out.

But it’s not just Asda suffering problems. Most supermarkets and high street retailers, including Game and Tesco, are reported to be facing shortages for the PS3 version of the game. Suppliers issues are thought to be the cause behind that, but CVG‘s reporting it could all actually be down to a sunken cargo ship.

So far, Game is retailing both SKUs of the game – normal and special – for PS3 and 360 on its website, with Tesco also showing the standard edition is still available.

HMV is also currently unaffected online, but is out of PS3 copies in-store and running low for 360, according to MCV. For anyone who does get a copy from the retailer, it is offering either 800 MS points or the movie 3:10 to Yuma on Blu-ray for free with the game when you purchase it, depending on what platform you buy it on, as advertised in today’s edition of The Mirror.

rdr hmv

If you’re getting a copy, best option right now seems to be getting it online. Full shot of the HMV ad can be found below.
