The 15 Most Bizarre College Courses


These are real. We swear.

Recently, some bizarre (and occasionally awesome) courses have been added to America's college curriculum.

Take a look at some of these classes that you can take...and get credit for it!

What's the most bizarre class you have taken?

Underwater Basket Weaving (UC-San Diego)

It's been the butt of so many jokes, but Underwater Basket Weaving is an actual class you can take at UC-San Diego. It's just one of the many things you can do underwater! Guess basket weaving above water had become dated.

The Art of Walking (Centre College)

It's not a science, but it is an art. Pop quiz: After placing one foot down, which foot comes next? If you don't know the answer, you can learn it at Centre College!

Downtown (MIT)

Learn about America's downtown areas. Or buy a visitors' guide and save the money. MIT has the nation's one-and-only course about downtowns.

The Science of Harry Potter (Frostburg State)

Because that's real science they are practicing, right? There is a rumor one of the cast members will make a special appearance at this Frostburg class. Just FYI. After class, everyone gathers outside for a rousing game of Quibbage.

Cyberporn and Society (SUNY-Buffalo)

Everything you ever wanted to know about cyberporn. Is there more to learn? SUNY-Buffalo thinks so!

Joy of Garbage (Santa Clara University)

What is more of a joy than a giant pile of garbage? A lot, apparently, and Santa Clara U breaks it down for you in one stinky semester.

Far Side Entomology (Oregon State)

We've always been fans of "The Far Side" and it's about time it got some college treatment. Thank you, Oregon State! Now, if only we could get a degree in comic strips...

The Strategy of StarCraft (UC-Berkley)


The Vampire in Literature and Cinema (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

This course at UW-M is booked for the next six semesters. There are a lot of Twilight fans now going to college, so get in line! When you do get in, you'll get to read every vampire book ever written and watch every vampire movie ever made. There is no downside to this class!

"The Wire" and Philosophy (Harvard)

Great show, great cast, great writing. We'd take this Harvard class and fail it on purpose, just so we could take it again!

Surviving When You're the Foreigner (Texas A&M)

When you wake up in an alley in Tiajuana, Texas A&M will teach you what to do. We guess.

How to Stage a Revolution (MIT)

For those of you who want to be your generation's Che Guevara, this MIT class is for you. Green uniform not included.

Horse Behavior and Welfare (Michigan State)

How to Because...who knows? It's an easy credit at Michigan State!

The Physics of Rock Climbing (MIT)

You can climb rock, too!

The Science of Superheroes (UC-Irvine)

This is a dream course! Superman flying into outer space might be on the final exam. So is the reason behind The Hulk turning green when he gets angry. You learn about all your favorite superheros and how they do what they do. Can we attend this UC-Irvine class everyday?

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