World's Most Badass Illustrator Ever: R.I.P.


On Monday, the world lost its most badass fantasy illustrator, Frank Frazetta. He was 82. Here’s a brief retrospective of his art & life in images.

At the early age of 16, a young and uber-talented Frazetta started drawing for funny animal comic books, signing as "Fritz."

During that period, he turned down job offers from giant media corporations such as Disney (probably because he liked to draw naked helpless women more than childish cartoons).

His outstanding interpretation of Conan on the covers of paperback books in the 1960s turned him into an art superstar and a brand name, influencing generations of artists in the genre of sword and sorcery.

In 2009, his famous painting of "Conan the Conqueror" was offered for sale and purchased by a private collector for $1 million.

Our favorite Conan piece of his is below:

We also owe him for the bewitching look of Vampirella:

In 2007, the hit flick 300 looked so cool because several scenes looked like they came straight out of a Frazetta painting.

Later in his career, the painter created some really dope rock&roll album art such as this Wolfmother record cover.

After a series of strokes, Frazetta trained himself to paint using his left hand. Can you imagine how difficult that might be?

Wanna know more about this legendary artist? Watch the trailer of an amazing documentary about his life, titled Frazetta: Painting With Fire.

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