XCOM screens revealed

By Joe Anderson


Eurogamer Spain has posted up some new screens of 2K Games’ XCOM, currently in development at 2K Marin.

We haven’t heard too much about this remake, which is listed for release on PC and Xbox 360, however the emergence of these new screens means we should be hearing more soon. Say, E3.

XCOM puts players into the shoes of an FBI agent tasked with identifying and eliminating a “threat”. Goddamn those threats. The game will take place from a first-person perspective and promises to provide  a “suspense-filled narrative and a unique first-person shooter experience.”

In an interview with IGN last month, 2K Marin’s Steve Butts said the team plans to take the destructible environments of games such as Crysis and throw in the cover system of titles like Gears of War. Other than that though, details are fairly thin on the ground.

You can check out the new screens here. Make sure you do.
