15 Better Things To Do Than Use The Shake Weight For Men


We thought the original Shake Weight was bad. However, the Shake Weight For Men might actually be the most terrifying fitness product ever invented.

Don’t believe us? Watch this quick video:



Seeing how this product claims that you will get the most intense workout of your life in just six minutes, we thought we’d come up with a few better ways to spend that time than actually using the Shake Weight.



Put on a shirt. Seriously, what are you a gladiator? It’s gross.



Find some industrial cleaning products and remove the grease from your upper body.



Decide to stop shaving your chest. Don’t hide your light under a bushel. NO!



Google search “dynamic inertia” and discover it is a made-up term.



Go to the barbershop and demand that they refund your money for giving you that sex offender haircut.



Look all the people who picked on you in high school on Facebook, and let them know that you now have ripped abs now and that they can never hurt you again.



Ask the creepy guy who’s been video taping your home workout routine from numerous angles, to quit posting this videos of it on the Internet.



Decorate your workout room. Those bare brick walls are depressing and unimaginative.



Go on iTunes and download some less depressing workout music that doesn’t sound like it is from the original movie soundtrack from “Requiem For A Dream.”



Have a doctor take a look at those glowing yellow splotches that show up on your arms and chest when you exercise.



Realize that Size, Definition and Strength are never going to bring her back or change the fact that you’ve never opened yourself up to truly love.



Ask yourself why you have a special pedestal that you use just to store your Shake Weight, but you have one of those big wooden spools for a coffee table, and still sleep on a futon bed even though you’re in your late 20’s.



Go to a library and ask where their Science Fact and Science Fiction sections are.



Go to a gym and discover that there are literally hundreds of other exercises that you could be doing that not only condition your body but all let you retain your personal dignity.



Put on a shirt. Again, stop being gross.


Check Out Ian Is Bored: Exercise Fail!
