Gangster Steals Shirt From A 4-Year-Old


So this 20-year-old tough guy gangster saw someone wearing a red shirt, and decided to take it from him... it was quite scary for the 4-year-old it belonged to.

This gang member has proven himself to be, lame.

Who steals the shirt off a 4-year-old? You can’t just take a shirt because of its color. A lot of people buy red shirts, and I’m pretty sure some 4-year-olds don’t even dress themselves. If you do, you are probably one of the worst gang members ever.

This gang member was actually a wannabe gangster. He wasn't even in a gang... he was literally pretending that he was in a blue gang, and practicing on children. Way to go dude, terrorizing children is real thug-like.

This just shows you how confident this guy feels in his own strength. If he has to pick on kids, I bet this child would have had a pretty good chance against him.

A kick to the groin can take almost any man down, and a small child is in pretty good range to do some groin damage.

It would have been awesome if this kid pulled out a weapon of his own and taught the 20-year-old a lesson, like some sort of child gangster.

I'll bet that "gangster" whould have thought twice before messing with this little dude. In fact, he would have probably tried to recruit him into his fake gang.


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