SEGA’s Mike Hayes has said in a recent interview that he’s very excited about 3D technology, although he points out that it has its bad points too.
Speaking during E3 to, Hayes said 3D was “very exciting,” although he was quick to point out the downside.
“I was talking to someone playing MotorStorm who pointed out that you do get nauseous after about 15 minutes with motion sickness, which is a fundamental issue about how much 3D you can consume,” he said. “However, it’s marvelous technology”.
On a more positive note, Hayes was happy to admit that 3D is easy enough to implement into games, meaning there is a good chance SEGA will throw its full weight behind it.
“The good news, as a developer, is that to implement 3D it’s relatively cheap, and a lot of us can do that relatively painlessly so you’ll find that we’ll be included at some point, and we’ll announce our 3D titles so we’ll be there at the party,” said Hayes.
“Having played a couple of games, it really is good, but you could not sit down for two hours with your glasses on and play an intense shooter. I just think that would be impossible. How that is managed is going to be interesting.”
3D is certainly big news at the moment, with Sony particularly pushing the technology with all its might, as seen at E3.
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