Rumour – MGS: Rising to get E3 re-reveal with new trailer, new art emerges

By Johnny Cullen

mgs rising

Hideo Kojima always brings the big guns to E3 – and we don’t just actually mean the muscle guns. We mean megatons. This year doesn’t seem to be any different.

According to a GAF post, a journalist from French site has claimed on the site’s latest episode of its podcast that he has seen Metal Gear Solid: Rising up and running inside Kojima Productions.

No more was said on the game because of an NDA, but did say the game looked “really nice, really really nice”.

To prove this, a picture of said journalist was posted eating alongside a fellow group of staff from the studio, including Kojima himself.

It was also hinted that the site had a trailer of the game that will be shown at E3 ready to put online.

To add even more wood to the fire, the Xbox Live Marketplace page of the game updated with a boxart earlier today, showing Raiden in a blue background from a new render art that’s never been seen before.

Make of that as you will.

Metal Gear Solid: Rising was revealed at E3 last year during Microsoft’s press conference, which led people to believe that it was an Xbox 360 exclusive for a while. At the Konami press conference days later, Kojima confirmed the title would be a multi-platform affair: PS3, 360, PC.

Nothing on the game has been heard since bar a soundbite or two from Kojima on Twitter.

If he shows up at either the Microsoft or Sony pressers on Monday and Tuesday, we will be on top of it. Same for the Konami press conference next Wednesday.

Get the timings on them here.

Thanks, thedutchslayer.
