Blimey where do we begin?
Read the full round up of Sony’s conference after the break.
Kevin Butler was on stage, David Jaffe came on stage and perhaps the biggest surprise of all, was the appearance of Gabe Newell from Valve.
In fact, you’re lucky you got this round-up so quickly because we all had to go have a lay down in a dark corner to recover from this press conference of rather epic proportions.
So let’s start at the beginning.
First up from Sony was news that Killzone 3 will be releasing in February next year, with full Move and 3D support. Not bad for starters, however much more was to come.
Rudely interrupting Peter Dille, was none other than Kevin Butler who came on stage, to talk up PlayStation Move and also throw a tirade of abuse at the competition.
It was probably one of the funniest things ever seen at E3, with pants being wet with laughter all over VG247 towers.
After that madness, came news that 40 developers and publishers are working on Move, 70 PSP titles are coming to PSP by the end of the year and also news that Sony are to release PlayStation +, a brand new subscription service.
The Megaton’s were still to come though, and when Sony announced exclusive content for EA titles Medal of Honor and Dead Space 2, as well as exclusive content for Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood and Mafia II – the crowd when into rapture mode.
Once everyone calmed down, they were at least safe in the knowledge that Sony couldn’t top what had just happened.
Oh how wrong they were.
Out steps Gabe Newell to introduce Portal 2 complete with Steamworks on PS3, followed soon after by David Jaffe to announce a new Twisted Metal.
Oh – and Gran Turismo 5 was finally dated in the US for November 2. Finally.
Here is the full round up:
- New Twisted Metal for PlayStation 3 announced
- Gran Turismo 5 dated for November 2 in US, Latin America
- Mafia II content exclusive to PlayStation 3
- Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood MP beta exclusive to PS3
- Dead Space Limited Edition on PS3 has Extraction
- Portal 2 coming to PS3 with Steamworks
- PS3 to get exclusive Medal of Honor content
- Sony announces PlayStation +
- Jack Tretton: 70 new psp titles by year’s end
- Sony reveals Move titles
- PSN: Over 50 million users signed-up since 2006
- Move dated for September in West, October in Japan
- Kevin Butler appears at Sony E3 conference
- Heroes on the Move revealed
- Move support for Tiger Woods PGA to come via dlc
- Sorcery demoed using PlaStation Move
- Sony: 40 Developers and publishers working on Move games
- Sly Cooper Collection confirmed, is 3D compatible
- Killzone 3 releasing February 2011, has Move support
- One speaker Surround Sound for PS3 coming this fall
- Sony launch PlayStationPlus website
- E3 2010 – Sony press conference live!
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