US PSN update, June 1 – Tecmo Bowl, Mini-Golf

By Stephany Nunneley


Sony updated the US end of PSN last night, and along with permanent price drops and sales, Tecmo Bowl has been added, some DLC for Just Cause 2 and STP for Guitar Hero 5.

Hit the break for the game highlights.

Downloadable Games: Tecmo Bowl Throwback ($9.99); Planet Mini-Golf ($9.99)

PSone Classics: N2O Nitrous Oxide ($5.99)

Demos: Planet Mini-Golf Demo


  • Dead To Rights: Retribution GAC Pack ($4.99)
  • Lost Planet 2 Map Pack #2 ($4.99)
  • Record Of Agarest War: Item Pack 15: Emperor Kit ($1.99)
  • Record Of Agarest War: Item Pack 16: Legend Kit ($1.99)
  • Record Of Agarest War: Points Pack 5: Additional PP ($4.99)
  • Guitar Hero 5:  Stone Temple Pilots
  • Rock Band: Spoon, P.O.D.

Pulse 6/1 Edition

Bundles: Soldner-X 2: Final Prototype + Soldner-X: Himmelssturmer Bundle ($17.99)

PSP Minis: Telegraph Crosswords – Minis ($2.99)

Avatars, wallpapers, themes, and the rest can be found over on the US PS Blog.
