Your Facebook Post Could Cost You $750,000

C.J. Arabia

We've all had our cars towed before. But when T&J Towing hauled away Justin Kurtz's car, he was outraged.



He had his parking permit in place. They had no right to tow him, but they still made him pay $118 to get his car out of the impound. He was furious. So what did Justin do? He went to the Facebook for revenge!


Justin created THIS Facebook page slamming T&J Towing for illegally towing his car.

Who hasn't done something like that? Created a FB page or complained about something on FB or twitter? I've done it. I think a lot of people have done it. It gives you a safe place to air your grievences right? Wrong.


Needless to say, T&J was pissed off about the Facebook page. Justin's page got thousands of followers and a lot of attention... hurting T&J's pride and costing them customers.

T&J decided to get a little revenge of their own and took Justin to court.


T&J sued Justin for damages to have their money and their good name restored. T&J suing for $750,000 in damages. That's right $750,000.


What will happen?



Justin (pictured above) is a young guy who doesn't have anywhere near $750,000 on him, but that's not stopping T&J Towing.

So a word to the wise... whatch what you say and where you say it. It's not safe to vent on public forums. It could end up costing you more than you can imagine.


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