Sophie Koi
Hollywood enters the ring! Workouts have gotten boring, so many celebrities have turned to wrestling, kickboxing and ultimate fighting as a way to have fun and keep fit.
Duff Butt Slams Lohan - A sign of things to come for Lilo?
Deadly Tag Team "Brangelina"
Drake "Body Slam" Bell & Josh "Peckerhead" Peck
Simpson The Simpleton
The Governator
Jonas Fanboys Too Little to Fight
John C. "The Snake" Riley
Jonah "Man Boobs" Hill
Dylan Gives Cole a Long Deserved Suite Kick to the Face
Jello Wrestler Mila Gorilla
Derulo Launches Fart Attack on Efron
"Metal" Miley Strangles "Nailer" Swift
These Guys Seem to be Enjoying This a Bit Too Much
The "Sticky" Situation
Spencer "The Barefoot Bandit" Pratt
Steve "The Schmuck" Carrell
Justin "Bottoms" Bieber
Oh S**t That's a Real Picture
The UnderRaper
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