Epic Mickey inspired by Mario, Zelda and Deus Ex, says Spector

By Stephany Nunneley


Warren Spector has said the maps in Epic Mickey were inspired by Zelda, Mario and Deus Ex.

According to Spector, there are three types of locations in the game, and the actions you perform in each reflect the type of guardian you attract, and the way the NPCs react to you.

“There are three types of locations – quest maps, travel maps, and action maps,” he told Edge. “I started this project wanting to merge the best of adventure games such as Zelda, platform games such as Mario, and my own games such as Deus Ex.

“The quest map is where you talk to people, learn about quests and get clues about how to solve them. You also learn about optional quests that can be carried out in the action segments. The action map is a place where you go and actually use what you have learned – its all action all the time, and you expect to encounter enemies, and maybe even some friends.

“In addition to paint and thinners, we have a secondary mechanic. I think every game needs at least two mechanics, a core and a secondary, to provide enough variety for players – especially an RPG.

“You can find these sketches which you can make real in the world, and they all have multiple uses. They’re like the tools in the Zelda games – in a Zelda game you basically use the tools for one purpose in the places the designers tell you to use them. You can use our tools anywhere.

“The game is tracking when you erase stuff, and over time that’s going to change Mickey and the way characters react to you. There are also these little blue guys – we call them guardians. How you play determines what kind of guardian you attract”.

Spector also admitted that while he’s “never worked on a platform game before”, his experience with optionally third-person Thief: Deadly Shadows shows he can make a game that will appeal to a broader audience.

“If Deus Ex fans don’t give this a chance, shame on them. Because it’s Mickey Mouse? Give me a break,” he said. “The gameplay they know they love will be there. And I hope the gameplay and this character will make the game equally appealing to people who’ve never heard of JC Denton”.

Epic Mickey’s slated for fall on Wii, and has a team of 275 folks working on it.
